A registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Foundation
***Please bring donations during our regular operating hours as listed on the website.
Note: While all donations are gratefully accepted, Koinonia is working to provide healthy food for our clients, so we would appreciate your help in considering the following when you make your donation:
Mary Lamanna was a volunteer with Koinonia and headed our food distribution center for 30 years from 1978-2008. Mary worked five days a week, by herself, in our food distribution program establishing what we have come to know as the Food Pantry.
Mary’s system and organization is how the pantry still operates today. Prior to her volunteer career at Koinonia, Mary worked for the Neisner Brothers variety store in Northwest Washington for 40 years, retiring in 1978. She died after complications from a traffic accident at the age of 92. Koinonia named the Food Pantry in Mary’s honor.